Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BC BOXING CLUBS of 2009/2010

Photos- 2 Rivers boxers profiles and action shots

2 RIVERS BOXING CLUB of Quesnel, BC - By Brian Zelley
(aka - Two Rivers Boxing Club)

In the summer of 2009, the 2 Rivers Boxing Club of Quesnel, BC had been on inactive status
for a number of years, but in that time period there was a growing movement to reactivate
the club. My initial contact with the club was a former boxer by the name of FABIAN IRONEAGLE.
Fabian touched based on the past and had a deep desire to get involved if the former coach
WALLY DOERN would agree to return. As the days ticked by, plans were being made and the
enthusiasm was building. Of course, an open ended question - How would the club do
compared to the many active clubs in British Columbia?.

If activity in the 2010 BC Golden Gloves, the hosting of the 2010 BC Buckskin Gloves and
participation in other events is any example then the comeback was very good, but
the selection of a 2 Rivers boxer as the 2010 Buckskin Boy takes the club from routine
status to one of the great comeback stories of 2010 in the sport of amateur boxing.

i have been a part of many clubs since 1963 and have followed the achievements of most,
and consider the dedication and desire of the members of 2 Rivers to be one of the great
happenings - they are truly walking the "Road to Excellence" -may their journey continue
with bright lights in 2010/2011 year of amateur boxing in British columbia.

Late breaking news - 2010 BRONZE GLOVES action in New Westminster by 2 Rivers.